Joyce Meader has graciously invited Knitting History Forum to an open house at her home in Hampshire, on 29 April 2015.
For those of you who do not know her, Joyce, a long-standing KHF member and supporter, is an expert on historical knitting who owns an extensive collection of knitting patterns from 1817 to the present day. She also recreates historical knitting for re-enactment, film and museums. Below is a sampling of Joyce’s reproduction hand knitting and her collection of nineteenth and twentieth century patterns, from those accompanying her presentation at the Knitting History Forum Conference in November 2014.

More details will be confirmed nearer to the time. If you are able to attend, please let Joyce know you are coming by logging into the KHF and replying to her post.
Read more about Joyce, her knitting pattern collection and reproduction historical knitting at her website, The Historic Knit, military and historic knitting.