The focus of The Early Textiles Study Group (ETSG) covers all types of fibre artefacts from all over the globe, up to 1600 AD. The group was founded by specialists in archaeological textiles but also has members from allied disciplines, fibre-specialists and makers. ETSG events include visits to collections and archaeological sites, seminars and meetings to discuss research, as well as a regularly-held, two-part course on identifying textile structures.
ETSG has opened up their membership. All members must be willing to share knowledge and experience and be open to advancing their learning. The new Associate membership level is open to anyone with “a passion for the subject”. Associate members may attend or participate in ETSG events, though they are not eligible to vote or join the committee, and may join by simply contacting the ETSG membership secretary. The Core membership, generally expert in their field of textile research or practice, is eligible to vote at general meetings and take on formal roles within the group and continues to be proposed by two existing members and elected at the ETSG AGM. Both Core and Associate membership of ETSG continues to be free.
For those interested in textiles before 1600 AD, this is a welcome opportunity to join an extraordinarly knowledgeable group. More information is available at the ETSG website:–guidelines.html.