Holy Hands : Ceremonial Knitted Gloves for Elite Churchmen

More news about the Holy Hands research project into early knitted liturgical gloves: the latest issue of The Journal of Dress History includes the article ‘Holy Hands: Ceremonial Knitted Gloves for Elite Churchmen in Europe from the Twelfth to Nineteenth Centuries’, by Lesley O’Connell Edwards, discussing the Holy Hands research project, with extensive discussion of the documentary evidence and technical analysis of the gloves themselves as well as reflecting on their makers. The Journal of Dress History is published by the Association of Dress Historians. Volume 5, Issue 5 for Late Autumn 2021, is free to download at the ADH website https://dresshistorians.org/journal/

Lesley will be speaking at the online Knitting History Forum Conference on Saturday 13 November 2021. Book your ticket online via https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/khf-online-conference-2021-heads-hands-feet-tickets-181878713127. A programme and further details are available here https://knittinghistory.co.uk/events/knitting-history-forum-conference-2021-heads-hands-feet/