Knitting & Crochet Guild Collection Open Days 2023

Knitting & Crochet Guild Collection Open Days 2023

The Collection of the Knitting & Crochet Guild is always worth visiting and the first of this year’s Collection Open Days is today! (11th February 2023) Visitors will have the opportunity to learn how they care for and store their Collection of knitted and crochet items, tools and documents that support the crafts as well as to speak to their expert volunteers about how they are preserving this history and learn more about the Guild.

The KCG Collection is particularly rich in material relating to domestic knitting and crochet in the UK and they have been working hard to make it more accessible to those who cannot visit in person.

For those who can, KCG invites you to visit between 10am and 4pm at Britannia Mill in Slaithwaite, Huddersfield. If today is too short notice (!), there are further Collection Open Days on 21st March, 13th May, 6th June, 13th September and 11th November. These dates are all free to attend and you do not have to be a member of the Knitting & Crochet Guild.