The Knitting History Forum would like YOU to present at next year’s conference – or in the future.
We are always very happy to have 20-minute talks on all sorts of topics – academic, personal, emotional – let us know what you would like to share with the KHF community.
Send us a 350 word proposal suggesting your subject with some details of what you will cover in your presentation with a photograph to illustrate it and a photograph of yourself. Please add an identifying caption for the image with any credits which are required. We also need a statement that you are willing to be recorded so that we can make the conference available online after the event (to ticketholders only).
We don’t receive many suggestions so don’t be shy! We will be delighted to hear what you can present.
Or – maybe you can recommend a speaker and ask them to send us their ideas for a talk.
Don’t forget to subscribe to the Knitting History Forum’s newsletter to keep in touch and hear what is happening.